Promoting effective altruism in Czechia.

Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement that aims to maximize the positive impact of charitable actions. It involves using evidence and reasoning to determine the most effective ways to benefit others, and taking actions that are expected to do the most good.

Effective altruism has not reached its full potential yet. We've decided to build a compelling online presence to reach perceptive audiences in Czechia 🇨🇿 .


👨🏻‍💼 1 product manager

👨🏻‍🎨 1 product designer

👨🏻‍💻 1 web developer

Complex philosophy simplified

Philosophical essays are not the thing you usually read in your bed before you fall asleep. It's not uncommon for articles on the effective altruism forum to surpass one hour of reading time and you still barely scratch the surface. "Mind the rabbit hole" in ALL CAPS is the design solution I would suggest.

We wanted to introduce effective Altruism without overwhelming our visitors. TLDR for a philosophical movement? Hard, but possible. We just need to carefully prioritize what we want to say and craft the content for the reader's needs.



We've identified our target audiences and their objectives. We were not surprised to find out that their needs differ quite a lot. Animal rights advocates, machine-learning engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, students: They all have different paths towards doing good in the world and we needed to encourage them all.

We've carefully crafted content for the landing page as a signpost to different domains. We've accompanied it with a system of tags so that visitors can flow through the content they are interested in without distractions and the necessity of hierarchical navigation.

Exploring brand identity

We haven't started empty-handed. We had a global effective altruism brand and guidelines for its local chapters. But we were not satisfied. Effective altruism is not only careful, cold reasoning. It's also the heart, the passion to help others. We believed the global brand did not promote these values sufficiently.

We also wanted to create our own "fork" of the brand. Being unique and consistent at the same time.

Brand style.jpg

We've explored multiple brand options, and discussed them with designers from the community until we've settled on a design system that extends the global branding while being true to the values.

The brains